Here’s how to choose and use parallettes for the best bodyweight workouts.
Parallettes are one of the most efficient training tools (and ideal for a home gym set-up!) Don’t be fooled by their small size and simple design. There’s so much you can do with a pair of parallettes to train strength, stability, and control.
This “complete parallettes training guide” tells you how to choose, set up, and use a pair of parallettes for a fun and effective workout with endless possibilities.
Parallettes are a small, unassuming bit of kit. But don’t mistake them as just a gymnastic tool. You’ll support your bodyweight on your hands to move dynamically or hold positions, training strength, muscular endurance, stability, and power.
Most people new to parallettes would head straight for an L-sit attempt. As we’re about to explain, there’s a lot more you can do than just abs and core exercises.
1 Muscular endurance
Parallettes take bodyweight exercises to another level, allowing you to build strength through press ups, L-sits and V-sits, handstands, and lots of static holds. You can’t cheat a parallette exercise!
2 Core strength
Parallettes are one of the best bits of kit for building core strength. Everything you do on a pair of parallettes will engage your abs and core.
3 Work on balance
Too many people neglect balance in their training (even though it benefits cognitive wellbeing, memory, and long-term health). With parallettes, you’ll be controlling your own bodyweight against gravity, developing amazing core strength, control, and balance.
4 Body control
Parallette work builds impressive control and coordination, because you have to really focus on how you are holding your body as you move through the various exercises.
5 Greater range
Because parallettes are raised off the floor, they allow you greater range of movement in exercises like press ups, and make it easier for you to do L-sits and V-sits.
6 Joint strength
Gripping the bars of parallettes means you can keep your wrists straight during pressing and pushing exercises, building joint strength safely and without strain.
7 Workout variety
Our favourite reason for having a pair of parallettes is that you can do so much on them! They’re the little bit of kit that keeps on giving. Press, push, balance, strength work, core work, static holds, mobility training… Get a set and you’ll see what we mean.
Parallettes need to be strong, durable, and good quality. Ours are officially the bestselling parallettes in Europe, with thicker handles (for wrist comfort), and sturdy 50 x 50mm non-slip box section feet for reliable stability.
Get the correct size (we stock small, medium, and XL parallettes/dip bars to suit all body types, abilities, and types of workout).
Parallettes should last a lifetime (they are not something you should need to replace). Our comes with a lifetime warranty against material workmanship or defects.
There are so many exercises you can do with parallettes, but we’ve narrowed it down to five. Check out our other blog posts for bodyweight and calisthenic training advice for parallette workouts.
Sit between your parallettes with your hands on the bars. Lift yourself off the ground, straighten your arms, then lower your hips down and press back up again. Make this more challenging by raising your feet onto a plate or yoga blocks.
Press ups
Get into a press up position with your hands on the parallettes and your body in a plank position. Let your chest go lower than the bars of the parallettes to get more range into each rep.
Tuck hold
If you haven’t got L-sits, this is an easier core exercise to start. Squat down between the parallettes, put your hands on the bars, and bring your knees into your chest (feet off the ground). You can eventually progress this to V-sits or L-sits.
Jump through
This is a great conditioning exercise that can form part of your planche training. Start in a plank position with your hands on the parallettes. Work up to jumping your feet through underneath you, pulling your knees tight into your chest, ending up in a dip position.
Everyone wants to be able to L-sit. Start working towards it by getting into a dip position with your hands on the parallettes and legs out in front. Lift your body up, keeping your legs straight out. Build up the length of time you can hold this for.
Need a pair of parallettes for your garage gym or home gym? Explore our collection here.