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The Calisthenics Exercises "Every-Body" should master from beginner to advanced

The Calisthenics Exercises "Every-Body" should master from beginner to advanced

March 24, 2024 5 min read

Calisthenics Exercises "Every-Body" should master from beginner to advanced

In the world of fitness, there are countless exercise programs promising overnight results. Yet, amidst this sea of complexity, lies a simple truth: mastering fundamental bodyweight exercises is the foundation to building a strong, resilient body capable of meeting life's physical demands. Whether you're a fitness pro or have never trained in your life, your body is built to move Mastering these Calisthenics exercises will pave the way for better longevity, functional strength, mobility, and a happier more able life. 

The Beginner 5

  1. The Squat: The squat is often hailed as the king of lower-body exercises, and for good reason. This compound movement engages multiple muscle groups, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and core, while also improving mobility in the hips and ankles. Mastering the squat not only enhances lower-body strength but also promotes proper posture and movement mechanics essential for everyday activities like sitting, standing, and bending.

  2. The Push-Up: A timeless classic, the push-up is a comprehensive upper-body exercise that targets the chest, shoulders, triceps, and core. It not only builds strength but also improves stability and coordination throughout the entire body. Variations such as incline or decline push-ups can be utilized to adjust intensity based on individual fitness levels, making it accessible to everyone.

  3. The Pull-Up: While challenging, the pull-up is a fundamental exercise for developing upper-body strength and muscular endurance. It primarily targets the muscles of the back, including the latissimus dorsi and the biceps, while also engaging the shoulders, forearms, and core. Mastering the pull-up not only enhances functional pulling strength but also fosters grip strength and shoulder stability.

  4. The Plank: Despite its deceptively simple appearance, the plank is a powerhouse exercise that targets the entire core, including the abdominals, obliques, and lower back. Holding a proper plank position requires not only strength but also stability and alignment, making it an excellent exercise for improving posture and spinal health. Progressions such as side planks or plank variations with arm or leg lifts can add variety and challenge as you advance.

  5. The Lunge: The lunge addresses muscle imbalances while improving lower-body strength, stability, and mobility. It targets the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves, while also engaging the core for balance and coordination. Incorporating lunges into your routine can enhance athletic performance, reduce the risk of injury, and improve functional movement patterns essential for activities like walking, running, and climbing stairs.

These five bodyweight exercises lay a solid foundation for overall physical fitness and well-being. Whether you're aiming to build strength, improve mobility, or simply enhance your quality of life, integrating these fundamental movements into your workout routine can yield profound benefits that extend far beyond the gym. Embrace the simplicity of bodyweight training and unlock your body's innate potential for strength, resilience, and vitality.

But what if these are already to easy for you?

The intermediate 5

  1. Pistol Squat: The pistol squat is a unilateral movement that demands strength, balance, and flexibility. By lowering your body on one leg while keeping the other extended forward, you engage the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and core in a deep, controlled manner. Mastering the pistol squat not only enhances lower-body strength but also improves stability and mobility in the hips, knees, and ankles.

  2. Dips: Dips target the chest, shoulders, and triceps with intensity. By supporting your bodyweight on parallel bars or a sturdy surface and lowering your body with control, you engage the muscles of the upper body in a dynamic and demanding manner. Dips not only build strength but also improve shoulder stability and enhance overall upper-body muscular development.

  3. Muscle-Up: Combining elements of the pull-up and the dip, the muscle-up is an advanced upper-body exercise that requires explosive strength and coordination. By transitioning from a hanging position below the bar to a position above the bar in one fluid motion, you engage the muscles of the back, chest, arms, and core in a dynamic and challenging manner. Mastering the muscle-up not only demonstrates upper-body prowess but also improves grip strength and shoulder stability.

  4. Dragon Flag: Popularised by martial artist Bruce Lee, the dragon flag is an advanced core exercise that targets the abdominals, obliques, and hip flexors with exceptional intensity. By suspending your body horizontally between a bench or a sturdy platform and lowering yourself toward the ground in a controlled manner, you engage the core muscles in a deep, isometric contraction. Mastering the dragon flag not only strengthens the core but also improves spinal stability and overall body control.

  5. Plyometric Lunges: Adding an explosive element to the lunge, plyometric lunges are dynamic exercises that enhance lower-body power, agility, and coordination. By performing alternating lunges with a powerful jump between each repetition, you engage the muscles of the legs and hips in rapid succession, improving muscular endurance and cardiovascular fitness. Plyometric lunges also challenge balance and proprioception, making them an excellent addition to any intermediate-level workout routine.

These intermediate-level bodyweight exercises will take your Calisthenics journey to new levels, challenging your body and mind in ways you would never expect. Whether you're aiming to build strength, improve mobility, or enhance athletic performance, these exercises provide a pathway to continued progress and success. 

The Advanced 5

  1. Nordic Curls: Nordic curls are an advanced exercise that challenges the posterior chain like few others. By anchoring your feet and lowering your body towards the ground while maintaining a straight body position, you engage the hamstrings, glutes, and lower back with incredible intensity. Mastering Nordic curls not only builds immense hamstring strength but also enhances overall lower-body stability and injury resilience.

  2. Planche Push-Up: The planche push-up is an advanced gymnastic movement that requires immense shoulder, chest, and core strength. By supporting your body horizontally with straight arms and elevated feet, you lower yourself toward the ground while maintaining a parallel position to the floor. Mastering the planche push-up not only showcases incredible upper-body prowess but also demonstrates unparalleled control and mastery of bodyweight dynamics.

  3. Front Lever: The front lever is a breathtaking display of back and core strength. By suspending your body horizontally from a bar with straight arms and engaging the muscles of the back and core to maintain a parallel position to the ground, you demonstrate exceptional control and stability. Mastering the front lever not only builds immense back and core strength but also cultivates an unparalleled sense of body awareness and control.

  4. Human Flag: The human flag epitomises the pinnacle of bodyweight mastery. By gripping a vertical pole or bar with one hand and extending your body horizontally with the other hand, you create a breathtaking display of strength, stability, and control. Mastering the human flag not only showcases unparalleled upper-body strength but also demonstrates a mastery of balance, coordination, and body alignment.

  5. Back Lever: The back lever is a formidable test of back, shoulder, and core strength. By suspending your body horizontally from a bar with straight arms and engaging the muscles of the back and core to maintain a parallel position to the ground, you demonstrate exceptional control and stability. Mastering the back lever not only builds immense back and core strength but also cultivates an unparalleled sense of body awareness and control.

In our opinion Mastering these advanced bodyweight exercises represent the pinnacle of physical achievement, showcasing unparalleled strength, agility, and control, of course there are many more Calisthenics exercises you can learn but for us these represent some of the best.
