Kettlebells: A Tutorial For You
Kettlebells: A Tutorial For You
Kettlebells; A fundamental tool in the training arsenal, allowing multifunctional movement through all the planes of motion with different levels of resistance. One of the most perfect training tools out there, but how can you use them best? What are some key things to remember? Are there any form pointers I should think about?
Let’s go over the answers to those questions and more, by examining the Kettlebell in detail.
Kettlebells can easily be used in Upper Push, Upper Pull, Squat and Hinge movements as well as Rotation and Compound movements, making them an incredible whole body tool for training. With varying weights and sizes we can add resistance, and levels of dexterity respectively. So we’ve established how versatile they can be, but what about technique?
Make sure to start with a slightly lighter weight, as you would with a bar, to warm up and gauge what you need technique wise. Make sure that you’re pushing or pulling with the correct musculature, and for single sided work, make sure your engagement and stability are on point for what you’re working with. For example, with a kettle bell swing, power through from the hips and keep your hands as close in to the body through the swing as you can. For the gents it may feel a little dangerous but it’s definitely the technique to have.
With kettlebells don’t overcook the tempo, keep that control and solid through the core with strong and even nasal breathing. So now we’ve covered techniques as well – next onto the fundamental exercises.
For the lower body and core we can do; Squats – goblet or single leg, Deadlifts – Regular, RDL or Single Leg, Farmer Carries, Weighted Knee Raises, Weighted Seated Leg Extensions, etc. For the upper body we can do Overhead Presses, Bicep or Zottman Curls, High Pulls, Shoulder Flys, Hinged Rows – Regular or Single Arm, Press Ups – with weight on top, Press Ups to Thrusters, Straight Arm Rotations, KB Swings – Single or Regular, Shoulder Raises – front and/or side, etc. The list really is endless – you can even look to add KB flow if you’re already pushing the boundaries of what Kettlebells can do.
Here's a sample workout for you to try;
Lower: SGL Leg Squats (Goblet Hold) x 12 es x 4 (30 secs rest after L + R between sets)
Upper: Press Ups W/ Thrusters (Grip KB’s in neutral grip) x 12 x 4 (30 secs rest between sets)
Rest: 1 min
Lower: SGL Leg Deadlifts (1 KB ES to help balance) x 12 es x 4 (30 secs rest after L + R between sets)
Upper: SGL Hinged Bent Over Row (Grip KB’s in neutral grip) x 12 es x 4 (30 secs rest between sets)
Rest: 1 min
Lower: Goblet Squats (Goblet Hold) x 12 es x 4 (30 secs rest after sets)
Upper: Split level Press Ups (One hand on KB, one on floor) x 12 x 4 (30 secs rest between sets)
Rest: 1 min
Lower: KB Swings x 24 x 4 (30 secs rest after L + R between sets)
Upper: KB Shoulder Flys x 12 x 4 (30 secs rest between sets)
Rest: 1 min
Lower: KB Swings x 24 x 4 (30 secs rest after L + R between sets)
Upper: KB Bent Over Row to Deadlift x 12 x 4 (30 secs rest between sets)
Rest: 1 min
So what are you waiting for? Get the best full body functional training you can with the kettlebells over at the Gravity Fitness Store!
Show us your KB moves and tag us on Instagram @gravity.fitness