Ralph Fiennes Weight Loss for 28 Years Later & Staying Fit Over 60
At the age of 60, you’d think losing weight would be an uphill struggle, but Ralph Fiennes proves that it isn’t. Although you might think you have to run up hills to lose the weight, a lot of this was down to simple diet and nutrition, which the British born actor describes following his last role as Odysseus in the film The Return and his upcoming role in 28 Years Later. So, what’s the story about and why did Ralph Fiennes need to get shredded for these two parts?
Well, if you’re not familiar with Greek mythology, it is a re-imagining of the final chapters of Homer’s Odyssey, starring Ralph Fiennes as a battle-worn Odysseus and Juliette Binoche as his loyal wife, Penelope. After 20 years away—fighting in the Trojan War and wandering the seas—Odysseus returns to Ithaca only to find his home in chaos. Penelope has been fending off aggressive suitors, and their son, Telemachus, is in danger. The film dives into themes of loyalty, resilience, and the emotional scars of war, with Fiennes and Binoche delivering powerful performances. It’s a raw, introspective take on the epic, blending action with the emotional weight of family and redemption.
It's no wonder why Ralph Fiennes needed to get in shape for this role then. As a war veteran who has seen his fair share of action, he needed to get his body fat percentage down into the single digits, describing his physical appearance as “ropey”. He wanted to appear as a physically fit and able character, but not overly muscley, owing his new appearance to a strict diet of protein, very few carbs and zero alcohol. Then, it was a case of cardio training, with some intermittent weight training over the course of three months.
The physical appearance of his character in The Return transitioned almost naturally to his new role in the upcoming film 28 Years Later, where this time he plays a doctor, trying to survive in the aftermath of a zombie apocalypse. Maintaining the “ropey” body proved easier once he had accustomed to the high protein diet and occasional cardio exercise, showing that staying fit and healthy at the age of 60 isn’t impossible!
Calisthenics Exercises for Anyone over 60
Using Ralph Fiennes fitness journey as an example that calisthenics can be a great way to stay active later in life, rather than hitting the weights rack, we’ve put together some specifically designed exercises for the older generation.
1. Wall Push-Ups
- Why: Builds upper body strength without strain on the joints.
- How: Stand an arm’s length from a wall, place your hands shoulder-width apart on the wall, and perform push-ups by leaning in and pressing out.
2. Seated Leg Raises
- Why: Strengthens the lower body and improves hip mobility.
- How: Sit in a sturdy chair, extend one leg straight out, hold for a few seconds, and lower it. Alternate legs.
3. Standing Calf Raises
- Why: Improves balance and strengthens the calves and ankles.
- How: Hold onto a sturdy surface for support, lift your heels off the ground, pause, and slowly lower them.
4. Step-Ups
- Why: Great for leg strength and stability.
- How: Use a low step or sturdy surface, step up with one foot, bring the other foot up, and then step down. Alternate legs.
5. Chair Squats
- Why: Strengthens the legs and improves mobility for everyday movements.
- How: Sit down and stand up from a chair without using your hands. Keep your back straight and engage your core.
6. Bird Dog
- Why: Enhances core strength and balance.
- How: Start on all fours, extend one arm and the opposite leg, hold for a few seconds, and then switch sides.
7. Side Leg Lifts
- Why: Builds hip and outer thigh strength while improving balance.
- How: Stand next to a wall or chair for support, lift one leg to the side, pause, and lower it.
8. Wall Sits
- Why: Builds lower body strength and endurance.
- How: Stand against a wall, slide down until your thighs are parallel to the floor, and hold for as long as comfortable.
9. Modified Planks
- Why: Strengthens the core without stressing the lower back.
- How: Start on your knees and forearms or lean against a sturdy surface like a table. Hold your body straight for a few seconds, gradually increasing the duration.
10. Arm Circles
- Why: Improves shoulder mobility and strengthens the arms.
- How: Extend your arms to the sides and make small, controlled circles.
So, think again if you feel it’s too late to start exercising at a later age and join the Gravity Fitness community by downloading the app and staying shredded, however old you are!